Tuesday, May 7, 2013


I've had a phenomenal two days of running. Yesterday was nearly completely pain free. I shouldn't lie and say it was totally ok. But the discomfort was NOTHING compared to what it has been. I also was going at a decent clip and it felt good to jack that heart rate up.

Today was as good if not better. I took my first trip out to Carolina North Forest. This is land situated next to a small local airport and a group of schools. There's some main corridors consisting of loose gravel, some washed-out creek beds with lots of large baby-head [sized] rocks. Throughout are a bagillion single tracks that zig and zag; branch off and branch back in; double back and dead end. It's quite a nightmare for the directionally challenged. Also for the data-minded, without a GPS, you're generally SOL; I haven't found a map with measured mileages. Anyways, I went out and just wandered. And it was great. I turned when I felt liked it, and I think I did OK about knowing where I was. I had my watch running, but I mean, there was no way I could know how far, and therefore how hard. I was definitely pumping the heart, but it was just fun.

Of course, this evening I went swimming. I was starving before I went swimming... afterwards I was ravenous... and still had conduct a swim team meeting. A little rough.

So goes the veganism. After a first try, I knew nutritional yeast was going to be an acquired taste. Which was true. It's growing on me. For the most part, I'm not finding it too difficult to make the changes. I've been experimenting with different nut butters (most homemade!); which is easy when I eat it by spoonfuls. Almond butter is good, cashew butter is good, but walnut butter was a little iffy. What should I try next? Pecan? Pistachio? Hazelnut? Other?

This weekend will be a challenge. I'm an usher in a wedding, and I think at the time I selected the fish. And then for the bachelor party, the best man is getting us together at Wild Wing Cafe. Investigation online wasn't very encouraging. Suggestions?

Soundtrack for the post:
"Chicken Fried" -Zac Brown Band (I know, bad for a vegan, but good beyond that)
"Hungry Like the Wolf" - Me Me (aka Duran Duran)

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes Steven likes to go to buffalo wild wings - I usually end up eating before hand or getting a salad with no cheese/ no meat and some kind of vinaigrette dressing. Or chips and salsa. Those kind of restaurants are NOT conducive to vegans, good luck.
