Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mumble Jumble.

Not a whole lot to report. Just trying to keep in the swing of things. I am becoming more and more confident in my bike-run brick workouts. If these training runs are any indication, then I am planning for a great run at the White Lake Half-Ironman.

You know you're a runner when you get called out for the gear you wear. I am classical in my manner of wearing technical, dry-wicking shirts, and barely-there running shorts. Twice this week I was more-or-less cat-called... or so I thought? First was when I was passing by a park and some guy said "Well isn't that cute outfit" with what I took for sarcasm. But after passing, I think he had a daughter and was encouraging her interest. The second time I thought some jerk was whistling at me from his truck. Just turned out to be two dogs slobbering/whimpering.

I've been going through several books; and my list seems to grow faster than I can read them. My recent reads:
1) Rowing the Atlantic by Roz Savage : Woman going through a life change is the first row solo across the Atlantic (Canary Islands to Antigua)
2) Swimming to Antarctica by Lynne Cox : Broke the men and women's records for the English Channel swim before she was 18, first to swim the Bering Strait (between Soviet Russia and the US), first to swim to Antarctica (no wetsuit for any of these)
3) I Shall Not Hate by Izzeldin Abuelaish - a Palestinian doctor's biography as he works in both Gaza and Israel
Now I am reading Proofiness by Charles Seife where he discusses the misrepresentation of statistics and mathematics in society.

Yesterday I had a great after-dark run at Bond Park. It was the second time I got to use/test my headlamp; the first time on a off-pavement route. It was tons of fun, and surprisingly brisk given the workout I had had earlier that morning.

Only problem was that it probably disrupted my sleep last night. I think I only got about 2 hours of sleep. Not simply toss-and-turning, I've probably been awake since about 1:00am. I feel OK, but I'm bracing for a crash.

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