Those who are know me best, know that I am not new to training/athletics. I rowed for three years for the NC State Rowing Club, three of the best years of my life. I have to credit it for fostering my desire to get fit and healthy. During my time at State and since, my race resume includes a half marathon in November '08, a metric century ride July '09, the Triangle [sprint] Triathlon July '08 and '09, the Marine Corps Marathon October '09, and three completions of the Krispy Kreme Challenge ('06, '07, '09). I've only complete two triathlons, but since graduating from NC State in the spring of 2009, my weekly workouts consistently incorporate swimming, biking, and running. My "plan" is to complete and Ironman Triathlon (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run) in the year 2012. To this end, I have complete one year of sprint triathlons. This year will consist of Olympic Triathlons (Columbia, and I have registered for the Nations Triathlon in Washington, D.C. in September). Next year, I plan to advance to the half-Ironman, and the following year complete the Ironman.
Of course, I don't expect those to be my sole races. To complement/supplement those goals, I plan to continue to compete in marathons (and halfs), cycling events, and open water swims. I still haven't found a half marathon that fits my schedule, but I have found a three miles swim in April, and I am looking ahead to the City of Oaks Marathon in my hometown of Raleigh, NC.
I will aspire to update this blog weekly, if not more frequently. Hopefully it will encourage readers to support me in my Team in Training endevour (notice I can't spell). I HAVE UNTIL MARCH 19TH TO RAISE $675! And then I have until a week before the Columbia Triathlon (May 17th) to raise $2700. Please consider supporting me, and good luck in all your own challenges.
Good luck with the fund-raising. I think doring something that helps others through something you love doing is good thinking.