Sunday, December 4, 2011

Greg cursed me. The other day he asked if I would end up going through pre-race nuisances of feeling really crappy then beginning to feel great. Well, I hadn't experience it much recently, and said as much.

While it happens during the normal course of training, I was particularly aware of how "off" I felt. I was doing my running at Wrightsville Beach while conducting my Coast Guard obligation. My long run was done at Umstead on Friday before I left, with two mid-range runs on and near the island. The sensation is hard to explain. Feeling "off" is the closest, but vaguest term. It's like a felt like I was working really hard, but had the sensation that my pace was slow. Then I get done with the run, eventually look at my watch, and realize I was running at a typical pace. While it's good to know I was working steady, the out-of-sync sensation is bothersome.

I love December and all the seasonal Christmas atmosphere. By this I of course mean the holiday selection at Trader Joe's. I try and experience a new item once a week, and always consider what, if anything, to stock pile for the rest of the year.

I've also been cooking/baking a bit more. Sometimes from boredom, sometimes from cravings. Thanksgiving helped when I was able to make cornbread and then into cornbread stuffing, as well as a a "knead-less" yeast bread loaf. Then I made a PB cookie-dough, granola-mixed brownie contraption. Still undecided on how much I enjoy it. Oh well. Most of the time I make more than enough to satisfy any taste cravings. The rest usually gets sent to my dad's office or taken to YMCA. I hope both are appreciative.

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