Saturday, August 10, 2013

All Good Things...

Was the title to the last episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Yeah?

I feel like I should make an admission: not everything that goes on in my life gets put up here. When I revived this blog, I certainly thought I was. I think lots of things can/will get reveled later on through implication, but somethings just don't get flat out set. Maybe that means I'm failing as a blogger? Well, I don't feel too guilty.

This week was my quality week. But as I move up in my long run distances, and I fall into habits of convenience and familiarity, it gets hard to proper plan and execute these weekend quality runs. A major contributor is also this wicked heat. This week, my goal was 20-25 miles and I last minute decided for a harder effort/negative split run. I was going back to the Mountain-to-Sea Trail portion along the Eno River I've did a few weeks ago, without the couple of miles where I got lost.

I definitely think I put out a good effort. I couldn't/didn't calculate the distance, but I figured it was anywhere between 1 and 2 miles shorter than my run a few weeks ago. And overall it was about 1/2 hour faster. Not too bad. I only barely negative split; maybe 1 or 2 minutes. But again, it was crazy hot. I drained my hydration bladder dry. Sure, I didn't start with a crazy full bladder, but I rarely do anyways. I do think I did a good job of walking more often, which paradoxically lets me run faster and actually keep a faster overall effort/pace.

Lots of job application possible. Two aquatics director positions in the YMCA of the Triangle association have opened up. I have or will be applying to both. One is in North Raleigh, another is right next to NC State. Both have good qualities.

I've borrowed a book on the Paleo Diet. I feel like I should have a balanced opinion on the animal protein thing.

I don't know what show to move to next.... hmmmmm.....

"Say the Word" by The Classic Crime
"I Know the Feeling" also by The Classic Crime
Both from their first album: Albatross

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