Saturday, April 27, 2013

I'm starting this post on Thursday, but I feel silly posting so often, so I'll try to save it until the end of the week. This is mainly just a compilation of random thoughts.

1) I took a second shot at making cashew butter. The first time, the nuts pulverized but never got beyond granules (nor I didn't have the patience). It worked much better this time around, but I refrigerated it and it kind of dried out/became very hard. A lot of recipes call for added oil, which I want to avoid, but we'll see.

2) Using a gift card from my parents, I got a massage on Wednesday night. I've never had a massage before, though I've used a foam roller and The Stick roller before. He only used "medium" pressure and I think he could've done harder. It was relaxing. Still, I kind of felt like a greased pig getting man-handled.

3) Tomorrow (Friday) morning I'm taking a Yoga class. Yikes. I better not get stuck as a pretzel.

4) I moved in to my new place in Chapel Hill today (Saturday). I thought I would have more to say about it, but it was fairly uneventful. My brother and my dad helped me get all of it without any arguments ensuing. There's not a lot of living room space, but unlike my last apartment in Baltimore, there's storage galore. I have places for everything.

5) I re-discovered this status I wrote after Mount Masochist. I don't know I just kinda liked how I expressed how it felt: "Mountain Masochist Trail Run: I haven't ever done so much climbing, hurt that much, hated and been frustrated by snow, back ached.... But even when it hurt, I loved it. I knew there was nothing else I'd want to be doing. To be so eager to cross a finish line, I wish it could've continued. Congratulations to everyone who ran - finishing or not - for taking up the challenge."

1 comment:

  1. I think you should post MORE often, and your comment on 2 made me laugh out loud.
