Monday, September 23, 2013

Moving Weekend

Long run. Stomach troubles. Moving day. Job hunt.

Good, solid week last week. Nothing crazy going on with training. Cross-training-wise, I haven't been swimming. Since our pool closed, I no longer have a free place to swim. Since most of my workouts are only 2000 yds, about 30-40 minutes, I didn't feel justified to pay, even just the $4 for the city pool. And I just didn't want another logistical planning session. I would've gone for my Thursday swim, but from past experience I know that it would've sucked. Only doing an sport once a week does NOT help maintain any ability/endurance. Even though it cost more, I went over to the YMCA and used their erg (rowing machine) and got a good set in. My hamstrings were tight and my back ached from the full body work out, but for the most part, no harm done. I'm just trying to make sure to avoid running on my day off from running.

I did deal a little bit with some GI issues. I couldn't really say what the problem was. I mean, I'm pretty sure I've "readjusted" to a meat-eating diet. Last weekend though I bought some buffalo burgers from Trader Joe's. A whole one Sunday, and parts for lunch early in the week, that was my first suspect; I tossed the leftovers. Could really tell if I felt better or worse; just some weird cramps and rumbling. Then I decided to stop taking my iron supplement. I don't know if I still need it anyways, and I could reason that maybe with the red meat, I overloaded on iron. I've been feeling better; maybe because of getting the iron under control; maybe just some bad food finally cleared out.

I'm moving this weekend. I recently told someone that I was content with the fact that I wouldn't likely every have a permanent place. Well fuck that. I became sharply aware how much not having a place to call MINE is. And realized how much useless, meaningless crap I have. All it does it take up space, gets aged and dirty. It really kind of makes my stomach turn (physical issues aside). I don't know, maybe it's reflective that I still don't know where I'll be working or what I'll be doing in a few weeks. And that almost as soon as I go to my parents, I'm gonna want to get out. I really don't know if I could tolerate being at home for more than two weeks. It's nothing against my parents. Really, it's NOT. I just feel this huge burden that I haven't moved forward at all, and that I'll just be sliding backwards, with all my pointless, crappy possessions growing moldy in a garage because I haven't manned up to get a real job.

I'm in a muddled area of my training plan, with several weeks that I never really filled in. I only did one build week. This week is recovery again, next week probably a quality week, then another recovery, and then start tapering. It's 5? 6? weeks until Mountain Masochist.

"Gone Gone Gone" Phillip Phillips
"ISHFWILF" Disturbed

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