Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Weekday Update

Introspective time: I'm noticing I have what I'll call a feedback paradox/conundrum. There lots of aspects of my life where I want to receive feedback. Not just criticism, but just acknowledgement of something I've said or done (as opposed to just black stares). I'm not really talking about serious things; I mean, I could just be shooting the breeze about something that's happened over the weekend, blah blah blah. Like I said, just a basic need to get some type of reaction I guess.

But the thing is a lot of times I feel really jaded/cynical about the responses. Such as if I talk about something positive, and the listener says "that's awesome!" I just instinctively think "it's not that awesome. You're just saying that because you want to pretend to care when you really could care less how much I ran/read/ate (whatever)." Or if after something bad happens, and I feel obligated to let friends or family know. I hate being asked "am I ok" partially because "I'm going to go all manic depressive," but also I think "you're asking because you want to know if the next few moments/days/whatever are going to be awkward self-pity times." I mean, should I really think people are all that fake?

Moving on....

A couple of good paced runs. Last week was a "quality week" and it rounded out Saturday with 25 miles ending at a tempo. Of course the tempo isn't actually all that fast. For me a tempo like this means I'm deliberately putting in the effort to move quickly; regardless of whether the pace is actually quicker. Lucky for me it was. And when I really wanted to push the effort, over the last 5 miles, I had some good help. Running through Umstead, I tagged behind a trio of runners (one with a dog) that were keeping a really good pace, which always helps. And then to polish off the last few miles on singletrack, I attempted to catch, match, and outpace some NC State women cross country runners. Good motivation there.

Wednesdays are usually a deliberate effort run as well (Monday is recovery, Tuesday trail work, Friday whatever). This one was pretty good. Being a recovery week, but 8 miles, at just sub-7:00 mile. Not to shabby.  I've also been switching out my mid-day treadmill hill climbing routine with a Tabata class. This is essentially high intensity training in a group exercise setting. It's not so running/race specific, but with a varying routine, and the high intensity, I think it's been a fun cross training session.

I've been getting a little dog crazy. As I wrote my brother: "1)I think I'm just feeling needy. 2) [my] mom mentioned Lida's dog predicament. 3) some one on the trails running with a dog off-handedly said I should get one to run with.
Reasons I have this unreasonable urge to have a dog."

Problem is I have nowhere to keep one. And I have no good plan for training, feeding, maintaining/exercising. I mean, my plants only started growing after I started ignoring them... A lot of those "breed matcher" sites are pairing me with little toy dogs.... I can't say I'm completely opposed, but I also feel tempted to have a DOG dog.

"Roar" by Katy Perry; yeah I know, shut up
"Listening to Freddie Mercury" by Emery

1 comment:

  1. Duran, we are two peas in a pod. 1) I think like that a lot in my head, I am not receptive to positive feedback but at the same time I require tons of reassurance and 2) I have also been listening to that Katy Perry song a bunch.
