Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Climb the highest mountain and dive off...

Glute pain. Puppy love. Apartment search. Scam. Race schedule anxiety. Spinning.

The Tabata class I've been taking can kick my butt. And of course, I don't adjust my running routine, so I've been paying for it. Even on top of that, I've missed out on my Thursday recovery swims and have substituted with short EASY runs... which I know don't help. When I've done this in the past it usually leads to foot problems. Last week, I had a great 10 (ish) mile Wednesday tempo run. Then in our tabata class we did TONS of leg exercises including explosive lunge jumps. Without taking the Thursday to recover, my right glutes were DYING most of the weekend. It was one of those things were I think I was able to maintain my form, but I just felt zapped of energy. Most likely my quads and other muscles were doing a lot of extra work to compensate for the defunct power in the quads.

The puppy love has passed. Well, sort of. There is no sense of imperative to get one ASAP. I still want one, but I know it could take some time. I also decided to go ahead and offer to help out my sister, who may need a taker for her two pests Manchester Terriers. That may be coming in December.

I was going to write about my apartment search (though it may have been meaningless. More on that in a moment). Looked at a couple places in the Cary area, when I was sure I would want the job at the Cary Y. My goal is to be within 5 miles of my workplace... when you have to be 'on call,' it's easier to get up and go when you're nearby.

Though I did almost get scammed. There was a listing for a home that had a great rent, so I emailed the lister to schedule a viewing. I got a very cordial email, telling me rent, pet policies, move out policies, etc., and then a request to complete a background check before the viewing with a web link provided. Well, something told me to check out the website on Google. And it turned out these guys used this website by charging credit cards 100x what it says. It was crazy! I'm really glad I did so, though of course now I get spam about once a day from these seemingly random yahoo accounts trying to get information.

I'm getting some more race anxiety. After Umstead registration came and went, I thought at least that race was behind me. However, this weekend I was essentially told if I want in, I was in. It's just hard to think about really RACING and chasing a time goal or PR. And I am a little worried about how many quality miles I got in my legs AND in my mind.

With our pool closed, my swim cross training has switched over to spinning. I'm trying to find the sweet spot of not crushing my legs, but still get a good aerobic workout.

So yeah, I also really confused about job stuff, and where I'll be. So I may be at home for a few weeks. I really really NEED to make it just a few weeks.

"Camisado" by Panic! At the Disco
"We Are" by The Kids in the Way

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