Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I'm not a very creative person. Originality is not my thing. So a lot of times I look for inspiration in others; ways to express myself using someone else's words, lyrics, poetry, whatever. While I am no longer a very religious person, there's a lot get from the Bible.

In the wake of the Boston marathon bombings, I can't quite sort through all the emotions. Anger, sadness, pride, fear, disgust, resolution, anxiety, entrapment. After running Umstead, how do I feel about what I've done? And where do I go next?

Anger over Boston - "Game On" by Disciple
Resolve -
"I will not Bow" by Breaking Benjamin
"Isaiah 43" unknown

After Umstead:
"Worth it All" by Disciple
"Frontline" by Pillar
"Dive" by Disciple

Ecclesiastes 3 Incredible number of verses about what all our toils mean/don't mean, and the purpose of it all. Emphasis added

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